1*- Name...Age...Location... HEIGHT?
Undisclosed....18...NZ.....182cm aka 6foot
2* - Were you always tall ? If not, when did you get your growth spurt? How did it feel growing up being tall?
I've been tall my whole life but major major growth spurt at around 11 or 12. 2cm every 6 weeks for a year. Ima be honest with chu gurlfwend, it sucked. It wasn't fun. I got teased like nobodies business and had people always asking me dumb questions.
3* - Are your parents tall? State mom && dad's height.
I'm taller than both my parents. Mum (go away crazy Americans with your moms) is I think like 5'7 and Dad is 5'10
4* - Are your siblings also tall ? State your sibling's height and age order.
My baby bro is almost 17 and he's probably around 175cm? Sorry I keep switching. It's difficult!
5* - Some of the worst /meanest things someone has said to you because of your height? (certain names or comments)
I'm also really clumsy so I've had boys yell timber every time I fell. I've had boys call me ugly. I've had girls tell me that no-one will ever like me or look at me twice. I've had old people tell me I'm too tall. I've been called the worst of names and experienced some of the worst cases of bullying. People have pushed me over so they can yell out timber. I've had it all and it all sucks and hurts.
6* - Some of the best things someone has told you because of your height?
This is probably the hardest question. You'll be a good rower? I'm jealous of how tall you are? There's nothing really much. The legs compliment that every tall girl gets?
7*- Questions you get all the time ?
The typical. Do you play basketball? (Yes and I failed) Are your parents tall? (No. Stop asking.)
8*- Shoe size?
Unknown Womens. 11 Mens.
9*- Dating rules?
Two outta four of the guys I've dated were shorter than me. After those experiences tall all the way. My current boyfriend is just a bit taller than me but he'll do :P
10* - Do you love or hate your height? Simple..yes or no answer..think about it...
At the moment I'm impartial. I spent so many years hating it. I would consider surgeries to make myself shorter and my self-esteem would be on the floor. But over time I've become used to it. I'm not saying I love it. Just a healthy acceptance I guess.
11* - How do you feel about your height... are you ashamed or do you embrace it?
Again I'm going to be boring and say impartial. When I could row I would always embrace it and throughout the winter would be ashamed. But now, I'm again at a healthy acceptance. I neither am ashamed or embrace it. Although I do embrace the legs. Loooooong legs.
12* - Do you ever wish you were short/shorter ?
I think every tall girl does. And every short girl wants to be taller. The grass is always greener on the other side.
13* - Things you use to do, OR DO, to make you seem shorter to others..or yourself?
I used to hunch up, very bad posture but it made me feel better. I used to put all my weight on one leg and slouch to the side. It's hard to explain but you get the idea. I used to always sit down or lean as much as I could.
14* - Are you the tallest out of your friends? How does that make you feel when you guys are out ?
I am definitely the tallest out of my girl friends. I think because it's been like that for so long I don't notice anymore. It does hurt sometimes to see them all get hit on and approached and you just get ignored.
15* - When you see a fellow tall girl how does that make you feel...any interactions go on ? What goes through you mind?
On the rare occasion I see a fellow tall girl my thoughts usually consist of, judging her confidence level, then being jealous if she carries herself well and feeling bad and wanting to go talk to her if she doesnt. Then the cliche what is she wearing? I wonder where she got her clothes. And sometimes I like her shoes, I wonder where she got those.
16* - How does it feel when looking for pants/jeans..sometimes shoes ? if you know of any stores that sell long pants/jeans...NAME THEM, BE HELPFUL !
Read on friend. Follow this blog. All my tips and tricks will be divulged.
6feetofdork <3 xxxx
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